Proudly Supporting Save The Rhino International
For every litre of Albany Durable Matt tinted colour we sold in July and August this year, Brewers donated 50p to Save the Rhino International. We were able to raise a grand total of £8,741.50!
Since our relationship with Save The Rhino International began in 2022, we have able to raise a grand total of £24,741.50 - all thanks to you!
The Rhino embodies all the properties of Albany Durable Matt that are tough in nature, but they need some help! Rhinos need our support to ensure their future is protected, so we are working with Save the Rhino International to help the vital conservation effort of these beautiful, majestic animals.
Find out more about Save the Rhino International>>
Warning: Contains scenes you may find upsetting.
"We believe rhinos are magnificent. And they are endangered. To survive, they need a safe and diverse world. Every day, we work with incredible people across the globe to ensure that all five species of rhino thrive in the wild."
The Vision
All five rhino species thriving in the wild.
The Mission
Collaborating with partners to support endangered rhinos in Africa and Asia.
Black rhino called Alfie with his keeper Peter, Ol Jogi, Kenya (C) Save the Rhino International.
Canine unit at North Luangwa National Park, Zambia (c) Tristan Vince.
Environmental education programme Lolesha Luangwa, Zambia (C) Tristan Vince.
Rhino Dog Squad Kenya (C) Save the Rhino International.
Rhinos at Ol Jogi Conservancy in Kenya (C) Save the Rhino International.
What Save the Rhino International are doing:
- Protecting rhinos - at the very heart of their work is the protection of rhinos in the wild through funding rangers, their dogs and rhino care.
- Reducing illegal trade - stopping people from wanting to buy rhino horns and gaining insights into stopping the illegal trade of rhino horns.
- Engaging communities - supporting community-led conservation so people living near rhinos are inspired to protect wildlife.
- Bringing experts together - working with experts and sharing information, so that conservationists have the best possible skills to save the rhinos.
Download your FREE Rhino Colouring Sheet!
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